Cessnock Return to School Centre

Achieving Success

Telephone02 4993 0451


Student behaviour expectations

The Cessnock Return to School Centre is a place where all students will be physically and emotionally safe.

Under no circumstances will the following be tolerated:

  • physical aggression and/or intimidation
  • racial slurs and/or discrimination
  • theft/vandalism/graffiti of school or student property
  • any unsafe behaviour
  • any behaviour that negatively impacts on the classes nearby.

Students complete a daily behaviour monitoring sheet (354KB) each day, where 12 behaviour expectations are evaluated periodically throughout the morning.

Parents/carers will receive a daily text with the day's behaviour total out of 100.

Students receive bonus points if they have consistently displayed positive behaviour in the areas they do poorly in at their home school eg. Remain in seat.

Use positive language, accept feedback.

If students have a negative day and perform poorly they may experience various consequences e.g. more homework, loss of privileges, less time on favourable activities.

An instant Program Withdrawal will be enforced in these instances. The student will either be sent home or wait outside to be collected. Parents/carers will be contacted immediately to discuss the matter and the student's ongoing participation in the program.

If the student's language or behaviour is disruptive in class, they will receive a caution. When a student accumulates three cautions over the course of the morning, a Time Out will result and they will be asked to leave the class. Parents will be contacted to negotiate an appropriate consequence for their behaviour.

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